Не е лесно да си мајка, а камоли татко! Тој одгледува 4 ќерки и сè е одлично додека не му се “качат на глава“


Не е лесно да си мајка на четири деца, но ниту татко во оваа ситуација. Секој татко сака да го обезбеди најдоброто за своите деца.

Овој татко токму тоа се обидува да го направи, но фотографиите кои ги објавува на Инстаграм зборуваат повеќе од милион зборови.

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Making a plan the night before travelling with the family to festival is essentially making an exhaustive list of things that you're destined to fail at, ending in a collection of people related to eachother, crammed in car, all hating eachother. Everyone up by 7am – nope. Every needs to help with the jobs – 3 kids immediately vanish to watch the TV & one goes for a 45 minute shower. Only 1 bag each – we've moved everything we own 4 hours down the motorway. Be out of the house by 10am sharp – We shut the door while mentally signing family divorce papers at 12.30pm because we all hate eachother. No snacking in the car until at least an hour into the journey – all the crisps have been devoured within 3 miles of home. But we're here & despite bringng way too much stuff, everyone is happy, ready to shake off the routine and lose themselves to the music. Bring on @campbestival 2019! #gueswhomovedalltheluggage #neverontime #familydivorceproceedings #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Сајмон Хупер е горд татко на четири ќерки. Тој на својата сопруга ѝ помага со малите близначки, 10-годишната и 7-годишната ќерка.

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Bribery, hostage taking, robbery & extortion are all tools we tend to associate with the shady corners of the criminal underworld, yet if you look closely enough, you can readily find them in the average family home. As parents we're all part of an unofficial global organised crime family that operates above the law. Like the mafia, We're criminal masterminds but instead of focusing on racketeering & chip & pin fraud, we put our energy into bribery of children to achieve our goals – in my case, using cheap confectionery in jars to get the twins go to the toilet. I've also been known to take objects hostage in order to extort good behaviour & I once kidnapped a child by bundling them into a car & driving away (to the shops as Clemmie had had enough of the screaming & fighting). FYI – this was me trying to imitate a gangster but I ended up looking like an aging arthritic bookie on a cold day who had a aversion to sunlight. #thefodfather #disorganisedcrimefamily #parentingmafia #briberyforthewin #crimewave #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Хупер како вистински татко оди на пазарување со своите симпатични близначки, ги бања, ги забавува поголемите ќерки, вежба со нив, си игра и речиси и да нема работи кои не ги прави, за нивниот живот да го направи безгрижен и забавен.

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Here in the UK, I was lucky enough to have paternity leave. I got time to figure what being a dad was all about (including how to tandem feed), to get to know my children & to share the work load that comes with becoming a parent, which meant my wife got to do what she needed to do – rest and recover, because Paternity Leave isn't just about dads – it also benefits both mothers & our children. But fewer than half of the world’s countries offer any legally protected, paid paternity leave and less than 50% of fathers took as much time as their country’s policy allowed for fear of it impacting their work, which to me is just crazy. That's why I've partnered with @dovemencare who are championing Paternity Leave globally – to give all fathers the opportunity to be involved from the beginning & dispel the myth that men are inept & incompetent – an image portrayed in the media all to frequently. What's your experience of paternity leave? #ad #powerofpaternityleave #dadsdo #Fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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Неговите урнебесни фотографии и реакциите на животот со четири ќерки, привлекле големо внимание кај Инстаграм корисниците.

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There are times that my children are so unresponse to my commands that particularly lethargic sloths would call them slow. It's at these moments (usually when we're trying to nail a mudane activity like getting dressed or going to bed) I find myself concocting a one off game to stir them from their dormant state (like this double horsey ride I do to the sound of black beauty every freaking morning to get the twins somewhere near clothes), only to find i executed it so well that I immediately regret it as I know this will now become ingrained in my repertoire & demanded of me again & again. I just hope I don't I end up like a comedian who had one joke they were famous for & dined out on for a while, but then were forced to repeat said joke from the rest of their miserable lives until the day they were found crying in their dressing room repeating over and over again "I am more than a single punch line!" What have you started but now can't stop for fear destroying the routine? #doitagaindaddy #morethanaonetrickpony #ididittoowell #anythingtogetthemmoving #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod #twinlife #twins

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„Сајмон, ти си татко за медал“, е еден од многуте коментари под овие забавни фотографии.

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Let's play a game of guess who. Guess who ate their body weight in sweets that they found wedged down the side of the seat? Who relieved themselves in an empty rocky road container without my knowledge? Who decided to leave at 7pm & arrive late at my parents house which is 4 hours away, instead of setting off at a reasonable time tomorrow? Who slept talked about dinosaurs? Who broke their head phone cable so I had to be audibly assaulted with the same episode of 'the octonauts' for 2 hours? Who thought having 4 kids was a good idea? Who directed me off the motorway and onto water soaked B roads in the pouring rain so that my precision cargo could back seat drive me the whole way? Out of interest – would you have left late and arrived at your destination late but knowing you'd have a full day the next day, or leave early the following day? #guesswho #mygirls #roadtripinastorm #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod

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